Monday, July 30, 2007

Deadpit Radio

Deadpit Radio is a great horror radio show at The Radio Show stars Uncle Bill and The Creeping Kentuckian who both live in Kentucky. They are funny, informative, and down to earth. They were bored one day and just plain sick and tired of how horror is in today's age. They are sick to death, and very pissed off of, the remakes, video game movies, and torture films coming out in today's age. They especially hate Eli Roth, along with his films Hostel and Cabin Fever, and it's some funnier than hell shit. They are both big fans of Dawn of the Dead (1978), Chainsaw Massacre, Halloween, and Phantasm. They've done a shitload of kickass interviews, including:
*Linnea Quiggly (star of Return of the Living Dead, Scream Queen)
*Tom Savini (Make-Up Master of films like Maniac, Friday the 13th, and Day of the Dead)
*Joe Pilato (Captain Rhodes of Day of the Dead)
*Paul Ehlers (who played Madman Marz)
*Jack Sholder (director of The Hidden)
*William Butler (star of Friday the 13th part 7, TXM 3, NOTLD remake)
*William Lustig (director of Maniac and Maniac Cop)
*Mick Garris (creator of The Masters of Horror series)
*Angus Scrimm (The Tall Man in Phantasm series)

And tons more. But they also have a HUGE respect for independent horror films. They do countless reviews, interviews with the independent men and women of horror, and pimp it up as much as possible. But they are also brutally honest. No bullshit with these guys. Anyway if you're a fan of horror you MUST hear this radio show....there are tons of past shows for download and it makes for a good time. Grade A creamy goodness!

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