Monday, July 23, 2007

Favorite Director

John Carpenter. I love all of his films…he definitely has a style all his own, and it’s one I’m very fond of because he knows how to create a creepy atmosphere. Films like The Thing, The Fog, In the Mouth of Madness, Assault on Precinct 13...they just ooze with creepy, moody atmosphere and it permeates the film so damn well. He definitely knows how to use the camera, especially the Steadicam, for perfect nail-biting suspense sequences. The opening of Halloween, or looking through the hallways of The Thing, are perfect examples on how expertly he uses the camera to great effect. He can do horror with The Thing, ghost story with The Fog, action with Escape from New York and Assault on Precinct 13, comedy with Big Trouble In Little China, and drama/love story with Starman. And I can’t go by without mentioning They Live, a great sci-fi and action flick. Plus, as an added bonus, he composes some of the best music ever heard in a horror film. He composes just about every film he makes, and pretty much all of them are classics. All in all, a top notch director who creates wonderful characters (Snake Plissken, Jack Burton, Michael Myers), atmosphere up the ass, old school techniques (no MTV style editing, which I’m thankful for in this day and age), and on top of that some of the best composing pieces/scores in any film. Carpenter is truly the master of suspense. My top 3 Carpenter films are:
1. The Thing 2. Big Trouble in Little China 3. They Live

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