Monday, July 23, 2007

What's My Favorite Movie? RAMBO II

Rambo: First Blood Part II. Sylvester Stallone is my favorite actor and his portrayal as John Rambo is iconic in my opinion…one of my favorite characters of all time. Jerry Goldsmith made one of the best, adrenaline pumping scores of all time…it actually may be my all time favorite score. Tons of well staged, well executed, old school action sequences. They are not cheesy, the editing makes it so you can actually see what is going on, no CGI whatsoever, and a very brisk pace. It never gets boring. Richard Crenna gives wonderful support at Colonel Trautman. And it’s wonderful to see an assortment of weapons (especially the M60 machine gun and the absolutely classic C4 tipped explosive arrows…seriously this is the only film to have this awesome weapon….a genius concept that is used again in Rambo III…without a doubt one of the best weapons of all time!!) being used, as well as a fantastic chase/dog fight between two helicopters….again with no use of CGI or miniatures. This is the real deal…which is why I love this film and it is a classic to me. This film proves that although CGI is king today…it CAN NOT BEAT a wonderful hero kicking all kinds of ass in real time using real equipment. LONG LIVE RAMBO FOREVER!!

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