Monday, July 23, 2007

Review: Live Free or Die Hard

I'm a huge fan of the Die Hard films. The first is a classic in the genre. Die Hard 2 I loved, especially the great ejector sequence. Die Hard with a Vengeance I had a ball with, especially the team of Samuel L. Jackson and Bruce Willis working very well together. A solid trilogy of films for me.

Now this was the number one film I was looking forward to all summer. The trailers kicked ass, and I was super pumped...until the PG-13 rating befell it. Then bad mouth starting coming in about it, and my hopes were shaken. When I saw the film, I expected it to go either way.


The film starts off with a pretty brief look at our baddies. Timothy Olyphant and his cohort/girlfriend Maggie Q are techno-terrorists trying to wreak havoc over Washington D.C. In that first 10 or so minutes we are also introduced once again to the great John McClane. Older, balder, and on the rocks with his daughter...he goes on a seemingly routine detail to talk with computer hacker Justin Long. But the baddies want him dead, and try to off him. But they didn't count on one thing....don't fuck with McClane.

A huge ride is the best way to call this film. After the first 10 minutes the film just goes into hyperdrive and never stops. I mean the pace is very brisk and fast....there are hardly any slow spots at all. This is a great thing for an action never gets boring!

Acting: Bruce Willis seems to start off a little slow in the first couple minutes we see him. But when the shit starts hitting th fan....he's back baby! Willis commands his role excellently. He's funny, you really get to care about him again, and he handles the action very well. Willis owns this movie and he takes it to the limit. It was great to see him as McClane once again. Long did better than I thought as the sidekick/hacker friend. He was funny, and I cared about him. Olyphant was ok as the villain. Not memorable but not horrible either. Maggie Q kicks well and looks hot doing it. Kevin Smith has a cameo as a hacker who Willis and Long come to for help. It was ok, I like Smith and it was cool to see him on screen as someone other than Silent Bob.

Action: Tons....and a lot done with real stuff. There's some CGI involved....but compare it to Transformers or Spider-Man 3 this took more of an 80's approach. The sequence in the garage with cars being smashed, cars flying, and ending with the cool as hell car flying into the helecopter made it memorable. I love the scene with the jet....most hate it because it's over the top but I don't mind it. Hell my fave film is Rambo II, one of the kings of over the top action. I just want to be pumped up, and this film did it in spades. Lots of old school explosions, some fisticuffs, and lots of McClane getting pounded....but getting back up for more.

I noticed the score at times hinted at the score in the original Die Hard. That was cool to listen to. Now the didn't bother me too much actually. Sure McClane doesn't say fuck a lot....but I can live with that. And the action may not have much blood, but it floored me to kingdom come. In other words, don't worry about the PG-13. Besides the DVD will be unrated/Rated R however they market it.

Bottom Line: Live Free or Die Hard is the best action film I've seen in a long while, and definately the best film I've seen this year. I loved it, it didn't let me fact it was even better than my initial thoughts which is FUCKING EXCELLENT!!

Kick Ass Movie: Yippee Kay Aye, Motherfucker!!!!

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