Monday, July 23, 2007

Favorite Actor

Easy: Sylvester Stallone!! Most people, especially critics, make fun of the guy because of the way he talks. But for crying out loud, one half of the guy’s face was partially paralyzed do to birth complications. It’s been said that a doctor inadvertently struck one of the nerves on the left side of his face when he was born, thus the slurred speech. In other words, it isn’t his fucking fault!! And yet critics, especially the Razzies (awards show that talks about worst movies/performances of the year), make fun of him non stop. But I look up to him, and still do, because despite all that he made it. Big time!! He is one of the best physical performers ever…no one else in my mind can hold a gun like he did in the Rambo films. Besides that, I honestly love his performances. He’s easy to root for, likeable, tough, and yet you can tell he has a heart of gold. I love most of his films…his portrayals as John Rambo and Rocky Balboa are legendary to me. I can very much look up to both of these characters. But I also very much enjoyed Cobra, Lock Up, Cliffhanger, Over the Top, Tango and Cash, Demolition Man, Daylight, along with the Rocky and Rambo films…not to mention Cop Land. His story of how he got the film Rocky made always make me smile (he had a script, and even though he desperately needed the money he turned down the large offers in order to fight for the right to star in the lead role…which he played gangbusters.) That too, the fact he’s also a writer, I give great respect too…and I enjoy most of the scripts he’s written (the new film Rocky Balboa definitely proves to me that he is, in fact, a talented writer). I also enjoy the fact that in most of his films he seems to play the underdog, in one degree or another. Those types of characters are my favorite. So bottom line….I love the way he acts, he looks like how an action hero SHOULD look like (in my opinion), I think he has a cool sounding voice, I love almost all his movies (Judge Dredd is only ok…and Rhinestone I could have done without), and he has created 3 of the coolest characters of all time (Rambo, Cobra, and Rocky). Can’t wait for John Rambo Mr. Stallone…I know it will be awesome. My top 3 Stallone films are:
1. Rambo II 2. Cobra 3. Cliffhanger

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