Friday, July 20, 2007

Remake Madness:

What do I think of the recent remake craze in the horror genre:

Well...I can't say I hate remakes. I like them....I mean hell my favorite horror film ever is a remake (John Carpenter's The Thing). The Blob remake is one of the most fun horror films I've ever seen, while The Fly remake is also well done. Scarface, with Al Pacino, was also a remake of a 1930's film of the same name....and that movie kicks all kinds of ass. Who can ever forget Tony Montana and his famous mantra "Say hello to my little friend".
But saying that, it’s fucking getting out of hand. There’s just too damn many. I’ll admit it, I liked The Hills Have Eyes remake and the Dawn of the Dead remake. But that’s like two out of what….20? 25? It’s just ridiculous, I mean we’ve had remakes of The Texas Chainsaw Massacre (and it’s prequel), The Grudge, The Ring, Pulse, The Amityville Horror, Black Christmas, Assault on Precinct 13, The Hitcher, The Hills Have Eyes 2, The Fog, and The Wicker Man. Plus there’s Halloween, The Invasion, Day of the Dead, and there’s talk of Friday the 13th, Hellraiser, Escape from New York, Silent Night Deadly Night, The Stepfather, Jacob's Ladder, The Changeling, The Eye, another The Fly, another The Thing, Phantasm, and The Evil Dead. Let’s stop this shit, it’s dumb as hell. The remakes in the 1980’s (Scarface, The Thing, The Blob, The Fly) were fantastic because they actually made a BETTER film than the original. They used state of the art special effects, with directors who cared about the material. And recently when you look at it, the past 6 months of remakes have ALL FLOPPED! Don’t believe me? (Pulse in September flopped, The Wicker Man in October/November flopped, Black Christmas in December flopped, The Hitcher in January flopped, The Hills Have Eyes 2 in March flopped). So maybe if Halloween goes bad, then there will be no more remakes. But that one will make money...that'll be my guess. The title, Rob Zombie directing, the cast (Sid Haig, Daniel Harris, Ken Foree, Sheri Moon, William Forsythe, Brad Dourif, Bill Moseley, Malcolm McDowell) all makes for a "that's fucked up" reaction. And I think enough people will go by curiousity alone. So unfortunately remakes will live long...doesn't mean I'll like it.

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